Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week of October 3rd to October 9th

This week I recieved my new glyma02g02430.1 3' primer. I ran PCR with this new primer and a clear band was visible. I extracted this band from the gel for use in the TOPO cloning. I recieved the remaining supplies necessary for TOPO cloning and will work on this in the upcoming week. I performed the 5' oligo capping via the GeneRacer kit again. I will use the newly prepared cDNA to run PCR and hopefully obtain bands for the 5' UTR regions, which can be used in TOPO cloning. Hopefully, the second run with the generacer kit was more successful.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week of September 26th through October 2nd

This week I wasn't able to proceed much with the experiment. I had to order some supplies in order to clone the 3' DNA segments and have yet to receive them. In order to proceed with the 3' region of glyma02g02430.1 I designed a new primer for the 3' end and as soon as that comes in I will go ahead and use that in PCR to try and amplify that region for cloning as well. Hopefully this week I will be able to perform the 5' oligo capping and RACE in order to amplify these sequences more successfully.